Boxing Trainer / Boxing Personal Trainer
/ Fitness Instructor / Power Hipness and Beautiful Butt Training / Mother of 3
BackgroundStudied martial arts since childhood, started boxing after the age of 20, raised 3 children, started as a boxing studio instructor, and now works as a boxing trainer.QualificationsAmateur BoxingClass
C License 2012
Shape Boxing 2014
Safety Boxing 2016
Personal Boxing 2016
Power Hipness 2022How to spend your day offSlow meals with family and friends. Staying as still as possible.HobbiesWatching movies & listening to music. Caring for cats.
Boxing is a great way to relieve stress, raise your heart rate efficiently, and work up a sweat.
Please give it a try! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Shape BoxTuesdays from 7:30 p.m.