It is said that cold is the cause of all illnesses! It is said that 70% of women are said to be cold. I myself was infertile due to coldness, and I worked on treatment for 10 years. I am expanding my activities to warm up women's body from within and to balance the body and mind.
・As a gymnastics instructor at YMCA, taught gymnastics and gymnastics classes for kindergarten children.
・Has taught aerobics lessons, aquabics lessons, and aerobics competition classes at Central Fitness Club.
・Teaches at the Yoga College of India's Shibuya and Ginza studios.
Caregiving and Dementia Prevention, THD, JAPAN Japan Health
Coaching Association
・Certified Yoga Instructor, Yoga College of India
・Certified aerobics instructor and aquabics instructor by AFFA
・Certified Esthetician, Japan Esthetic Association
・Watching Korean dramas